Wednesday, 3 July 2019

I am giant

I understood knowing this, for I knew what it was, salt spills on the table,we arrive required to love,oh I would be nothing without  you holding me up,now I`m strong enough for both of us, both of us,both of us.I am giant stand upon my shoulders damn know my true scene I am giant we`ll be breaking boulders underneath our feet cause I am,I am,I am,I am giant cause I am, I am,I am,I am,I am, I am,giant
Don`t hide your emotions you can throw down your love,because we can be who we are,well you told me something,freedom is ours, well you told me live in it,I am giant,   

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Howard Carter`s discovery

November 1922, Egypt 

When I woke up today I thought that it was going to be a normal day looking for Egyptian artifacts
 like we normally would but I didn`t know that it was the start of me becoming famous worldwide. It all started when I discovered a little fragile step dug into the ground, like a big brick that had been buried the for a million years or so, for in the state that it was. Me and my team of archiologists kept digging steps for what seemed like a very long time until we reached the bottom of the stairs, exhausted of all the work that we did all the other days and nights but as for me, I found something that looked like a door then I noticed that on the there were some heiroglyphs . "I wonder what they might mean" I muttered to myself and then it was that I noticed that I probaly I could open it and see what is inside.I entered a mysteriosly silent room full of priceless treasures with a  smell of old metal filling the it . All along the wall there were thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands  of heiroglyphs each one painted by hand with an unbelievable amount of delicacy and precision on to each one. Then I noticed the actual tomb in there as well it was covered in beautiful gold that was the shiniest thing/object that I have ever seen in my whole life. A few days later we put it to be open to the general public.

By Howard Carter