Monday, 28 November 2022

fisica yr2

ELETRICIDADE primeiras impressões. 

. Conversor digital-analogico com lâmpadas
.  Simulador estados Unidos
.  E se inverter a entrada?
. Vantagens pra controle remoto

Sunday, 16 October 2022

half term october 22




  • science fiction @ science museum + cancer exhibition
  • 1200 -

  • V&A tour 2pm
  • Climate change htdrogen olympia
  • scooter hyde park TIER scooters
  • 1545 to acton
  • 1640 kart
  • 2000 didcot

Saturday, 27 August 2022

Computer World: python adventures: anotacoes durante as ferias de julho de 2022

Ziggy alexa
Codetoday python mark w
Giles k python for minecraft
YouTube marketing
Movavi programa de vídeos 60 libras lifetime license and Desenho e criter w é de graça

férias verão 2022

Windsurf farmoor
Remo Hinksey

Monday, 11 April 2022

Half term Easter 2022 - gelo, Londres, Disney etc


Patins no gelo

Patins no gelo 2

Disney inspirado no estilo rococó francês do século XVII. Wallace collection Londres abril 2022. Lá há um restaurante muito bonito. Pertinho da Oxford St

Everyman Cinema - Baker St - Sonic The Movie 2

Bass reeves card game half term
  • patins gelo oxford (fotos whatsapp)
  • londres oxford street, cinema everyman baker street (foto whatsapp), loja niketown
  • futebol em blaise park com pai, com meninos da vizinhanca
  • Tom em casa, casa do Tom, Newbury de bicicleta,

Saturday, 12 March 2022

Half term 21-fev-2022 - scalextric, microbit e makecode 

  • Pyhton e alexa era uma boa ideia, mas Liam deu uma ideia muito melhor! Como contar tempo por volta no scalextric?
  • prototipo um com autorama, microbit e makecode completo
  • FALTA (2h 10 min)

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Half Term Fev 2022 - Python e Alexa

Alexa skills
Williams, Mark
Thu 13/01/2022 13:01
Brandao-Neto, Jose
1: Make an Amazon developer account at
2: Click Create Skill.
3: Give your skill a name, eg Liam's Jokes. Select the language of your Alexa device.
4: Choose Custom model, and Alexa Hosted (Python), and click Create Skill.
5: Choose Start From Scratch, then Continue.
6: When its finished, click Invocation Name, and change it to Liam's Jokes if it is not already that, click Save Model, then Build Model.
7: Go to Code at the top.
8: Delete all the stuff that is already there, its way too complicated.

The whole thing is to take json in, and spit json out. The json comes into a function called like this:

def lambda_handler(event, context):

Dont worry about event and context yet. To get a joke, do something like:

    import requests
    r = requests.get("", headers={"Accept": "application/json"})
    joke = r.json()['joke']

The function needs to return something like:

    return {
        'version': '1.0',
        'sessionAttributes': {},
        'response': {
            'outputSpeech': {
                'type': 'PlainText',
                'text': joke
        'shouldEndSession': True

Then you should be able to put joke as the

9: When you have finished the python, click Save then Deploy.
10: Because we have used the requests package, we need to make sure it is available. Go to the requirements.txt file, and replace the contents with


11: Click Save, then Deploy
12: Click Test at the top. Change the dropdown so it says "Development"
13: Type "Alexa, launch Liam's Jokes" in the box

Debugging is very hard, took me an hour to figure out I needed to do step 10, and I've done it before. But hopefully that gets you started.
